Wednesday 8 July 2015

Golden Boy Anime Review: Ecchi Comedy

So I am only recently starting to get into ecchi anime and was looking for an ecchi comedy and this title came forward in the top recommendations in my search. I must say I wasn't disappointed. This anime is hilarious!

Golden Boy - Hilarious Ecchi Comedy

Golden Boy is about a 25 years old, easy going, job hopping, part-timer Kintaro Oe who loves to observe people he comes across on his journey. And of course he meets a lot of women along the way and somehow ends up seducing them(you gotta love ecchi for these crazy plots :p). Character of Kintaro is of a very simple minded yet super intelligent boy who is kind hearted and loves doing new things. I found him quite similar to Onizuka from GTO(except for the intelligence, of course) and this kind of character fits quite well in a comedy setting. We see him going job to job meeting new people and learning about several professions. He is always taking notes which mostly are sketches and measurements of women he meets and occasionally his observations about people. He seems to have a fetish of toilets and really gets turned on by cleaning toilets while imagining women sitting on them(those scenes are hilarious xD). The only thing that always stays with him is his all time partner, his bicycle. He rides it everywhere using it for jobs and we even get a complete episode with his bicycle in the limelight. As the show is episodic, the side characters aren't very complex and mostly include non-important people working at offices with one main female lead in each episode whose life Kintaro dramatically changes with his charismatic personality and surprising actions.

At only six episodes, the anime is very short and is actually a OVA series. Each episode has a separate story but we do get a finale episode which features characters from all six episodes. Half of the episodes are complete crazy with unnatural plots and other half are kind of more serious. You will get plenty comedy in all of them though. I personally liked the crazy episodes more. The anime features mature content with occasional scenes that involve female nudity, orgasms and a lot of sexual settings so parent guidance is recommended. From what I read, the anime is actually a toned down version of the manga, which almost seems pornographic. But I was surprised at the amount of detail it showed in some of the professions it featured.

Art and animations is typical 90s style animation but like most classic anime it just works. I never felt anything lacking on that part. Classic animation has its own taste and can sometimes feel better suited in some settings. The kind of expressions that you get in this anime, the quick transitions from poker faces to surprised perverted faces, I doubt they would come out this good in modern animation. So I don't really have much complains on the animation part.

Music is also on point. There are several OSTs for different situations and all of them work really good for building up and preparing you for the scenes to come. Sometimes sexy peppy songs with english lyrics will pop up in really weird situations that will make the scene even funnier. There is nothing special about the opening track but it works according to the vibe of the anime and even without any lyrics will prove to be memorable and is sure to give you that nostalgic feeling when you listen to it after a while.

Overall Golden Boy is a great anime and is very well written specially for an ecchi. It is short and will keep you gripped. You will find plenty of hilarious scenes with high rewatch value. Watch this anime if you want to lighten up your mood and get a big freakish perverted smile on your face. This is surely a memorable one. Highly recommended!


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